Sunday, May 25, 2008

Today's sermon

Went to church today, it being Sunday and all. Hey wait... I don't go to church BECAUSE it's Sunday. I go to church on Sunday because they have services on Sunday. There's a difference. Anyway... Pastor Jerry Sevelle (I googled and it's Savelle. Hillsong screwed up? But he's suppose to be a regular visitor. Hmmm) was at Hillsong today and he preached about barriers that we have set for ourselves and how we should try to overcome them. So I was thinking... Hmmm... Maybe I should get rid of that barrier that I have set for myself, and go after the girl that I like. *few seconds later* Hmmm maybe I'll wait for a few more years... *runs away*

Current mood: Bored.

Oh I so hate to brief the world on what I did. That's not the way I want this blog to be like. But I've got to tell this. I went to see a small production of Annie at the Blue Mountains yesterday night. And I lugged my DSLR to the show only for them to announce before the show that photography is not allowed. I wouldn't have got nice shots from my seat, but boy I was a little annoyed still. I was so tempted to use my phone to take shots at the end just because I could. But haha the show was reasonably entertaining, though I wouldn't say it's of professional standard, but hey it cost only $30, so I thought I should at least give them some respect and abide their rules. Hahahaha

Back to work.

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