Friday, May 23, 2008


Mr Ang: Oik! Baju kurung kamu terlalu sexy! Demerit 10 point!
Seriously? WTF? ROFL LOL... But that's what they say...
If in Malaysia the girls wear the sailor suits like in Japan then yeah I agree.But seriously... Baju kurung and the pinafore? The baju kurung is like wearing an oversized shirt and the pinafore just doesn't do wonders to the curves. OK fine, she was talking about the blouse being transparent. Well it would be if and only if you wear the same blouse everyday for 5 years. Maybe that's a little extreme but seriously, I think the way she thinks is so goddamn ridiculous. I think Munirah must have been looking at Chinese School boys with their shorts and she mumbled under her breath: "Sexy..." and so happen someone heard her and so he has to cover up. Haha...

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