Thursday, May 08, 2008

Malaysian Embassy Visit!

Went to the embassy today. Got the passport renewed. And I found out something about me today. I'm 170cm short. Yes taunt me. I know I'm short.

I have to say our embassy here is so not really not as glamorous as the other countries'. Most look modern, tasteful and have guards at the gates and stuff. Ours has the humongous emblem on it and the architecture looked unappealing. The colour was also pretty dull and the place seemed dead. And we didn't even had guards at the gates... Well I suppose nobody's gonna try to blow the place up or something, so there is no such need. It was kinda weird to watch TV1 there too. And while I was at the counter, I noticed that some lame exercise video was on.

Seems like I'll need to cycle all the way there because I didn't have time to go back due to class. I was lucky to have my friend drive me there since he rented a car for his taxi examination. Oh well it'll be the first time I ride a bike in Australia.

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