Monday, May 12, 2008

Actuarial joke.

Just so this place don't seem so dead...

It's duck season! 2 actuary go hunting. And being actuaries and not hunters, their aim sucks. Anyway they saw a duck flying and the actuaries tried to shoot the duck, but the first one shot 10 feet on the left of the duck while the other one shot 10 feet on the right of the duck. Not being able to get the duck down from the sky, it was weird as they high five-ed and decided to grab a Corona to celebrate. Why are they rejoicing? Are they retarded or something?

So what do you think? [This is the part where you guess why...]


ChaosGenesis said...

i cheated.. looked up d joke on d internet....


but wat i was guessin was somewhere along dat line oso... hahahah.. gayness XD

Anonymous said...

hmm cause they're accurate? like both's aim hit ten feet away rfom the duck? sorry ler me still a young kid no long winded complicated statement here.

magmachilli said...

Hmmm seems like no one wants to give a shot...

So here's the answer...
Because on average, they shot the duck. Lame right? Well my lecturer told us this in class and I thought I share it...