Friday, April 04, 2008

What people in Australia can't get right.

I have to say there are many things in Australia that just don't seem to satisfy me. Here are just a few examples.

1. Hokkien Mee
I went to Oriental Kitchen, a Chinese/ Malaysian restaurant at Civic. Ordered the Hokkien Fried Prawn Mee. In my mind I was thinking, whether they serve me the black sauce one that Ah Hwa or the Penang Hokkien Mee that we call Har Mee I'd still be satisfied. Turns out it was neither. It was some Meehoon and "Hokkien Mee" (Inverted commas because hokkien mee here is like our wong mee...) that is fried in soy sauce of something. WTF?

2. Char Kuey Teow
Ok. I just ate this yesterday at Oriental Kitchen too, thinking that I probably should give them a chance considering the restaurant is run by Hongkies ( Is this term derogatory?) It was a mistake. They screwed it up too... But then you'd say of course lar. You're in Australia. But still, WTF?

3. Sarsi
Well there's no F&N here. But Schweppes does have sarsaparilla. And it's been a while since I drank it. And it's a tad bit too expensive to pay $2 for a can of A&W Root Beer. So I bought a bottle. 1.25 litres i think? But Schweppes's Sarsaparilla sucks... Taste like cough medicine. I wonder which is a worse soft drink, this or Dr Pepper? Seriously Aussies can't get this right either? WTF?

4. Foosball
The only place I know in Canberra that has a foosball table is the gaming centre in Civic. But the table sucks. Like for kids wan... So old and badly maintained... Where can I get a decent foosball table? WTF?

These are just 4 things that I can think of right now. There will be more to follow. To be continued...


Anonymous said...

Hear hear. Don't you miss M'sia? LOL dang i'm bad

magmachilli said...

Of course... I'm thinking of coming back in June...

Anonymous said...

well whats stopping you? your dad comes back like every month what..

magmachilli said...

I suppose. But then my whole family is in Sydney. Have to spend time with family mar... But I think I don't want to be there when 'that' happens...

ChaosGenesis said...

hahaa... well i guess dere rly is no substitute for msian food :)

d lack of F&N is a bit of a surprise tho.. LOL

IMU has one :) i dun use it..but i haven heard complaints so far LOL

come back in june!!! :D

magmachilli said...

we'll see lor...

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.