Application Requirements:
1. You must be born female. As in the day you were born, you were a girl. And the doctor pronounced to the world that "It's a girl!". If you say that you were born a girl in a boys body, I'll just have to say that this isn't for you. And if you were a boy when you were born but now are a girl because of the wonders of modern medicine, I'll just have to say that this isn't for you too.
2. You must currently hold an Australian Passport or a Australian Permanent Resident Visa.
3. You must be currently enrolled and studying at the University Of Adelaide, Australia.
4. You must be hot. And when we say hot, we mean CILI PADI HOT!
If you think you meet all the requirement above and ready to get hitched, go to Qi Hong's blog and drop your note at the CBOX. Or you could forward your curriculum vitae to
Thanks for your time.
In case you're some kind of desperate person or some hobo in need of money, this isn't a real advert.
SHIT.. u rly DID post it.. wah liao.. 2 damned free ar u LOL
but i hav 2 admit.. dis is one work of art.. its DAMNED FUNNY...
kudos :) guess i lost d bet eh? wait.. we din bet nth.. nvm lar.. d next ONE roti of ur choice is on me :D oni applicable at mamaks :)
oh yeah.. wher d hell did u get dat head from? XD
i want roti tissue jumbo!
funny? well i'll try to make my other post as funny as this... the pressure is killing me!
Good one Jo!!!
(sorry for the late comment.. have been extremely outdated recently!)
Haha I didnt notice your comment there Yong! Thanks. Just for fun. Had too much time at hand...
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