Proceed with caution. A whole lot of bimboness ahead. Anticipate cam-whoring and idiotic behaviour and brain damaging language. You've been warned.
OH and another thing. Please don't think of me any lesser than you do because of this post. I don't really act like this in real life. This is just purely fictional for the purpose of this post. Don't judge me. And besides, I'm sure you take pictures of yourself in public toilets and changing rooms. Don't look at me like that. I know you do. And I don't. And that makes me better than you. OK enough with the verbal diarrhea. Now visual diarrhea!
This is what I ate for dinner. Curry Chicken and Sambal Prawns and Rice. Mmmmm... Actually the curry, looks like curry, smells like curry, is actually curry, but doesn't taste like curry! And if you're really blur, that was a play with Lingham's statement.
I've gotta hurl. That's how I keep my figure y'know. That and the fact that it tasted horrible... (Disclaimer: I'm not anorexic, and I don't self induce vomit. And I don't support such behaviour. Love your body! Love what you eat!)
iPod, it's a gurl's best fren... So pretty. It's prettier than me. I'm gonna bitchslap my iPod. Mreow...
Run Morpheus! Don't get caught by Merovingian!
dun blame me dammit
gotta say...
ur long hair made ur camwhore shots damn cool wei :D
a lil tired... so wun b cmt-ing so much
but.. dat was one helluva post ;)
Can't see your face ><
lol love those lego figurine thingys... are they lego? no right?
haha great post btw.. you should do this more XD
My hair looks more messy than cool.
Can't see my face? Well cos nothing to show mar...
They're called kubricks.
Do this more? So embarrassing...
Thanks you 2. Glad you liked it. Now go do couple-y stuff instead of reading my blog...
so unlike you...=X but cool wei!! your hair really does make it cooler.
good post nonetheless=)
Pic exposure and wb are out, but I was lazy to edit. Not like this is a serious photog post...
So unlike me? That statement is so true. And my long hair, cool? People think I live by the road and eat out of tong sampah... Especially with my messy hair and torn jeans...
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