Sunday, February 17, 2008

JQ66 February 17th 2008


Will be heading to Australia again. Notice I didn't say heading back? Well I'm definitely not very ecstatic about the fact that I'm leaving Malaysia. The fact that I won't be seeing my friends and relatives for a while leaves me with an aching heart. The fact that I won't be able to eat my favourite foods leave me with a craving appetite.


To all the Teddies, will miss you all. Well hope to see you all soon, but I'd probably won't see the UK ones until a very VERY long time. Hope to see Chuan Shen in Melbourne in a few months. Remember to spread GA propaganda before leaving!

To all my friends from church, that is if any of you read my blog, which I highly doubt, God bless you all and hope to see you all real soon. And I pray, while trying not to be corny, that your faith in God and Jesus will be your guiding light as we walk around in this mess of a place we call Earth.

To my Standard 1-3 classmates, namely Sean, forgive me for not keeping in touch! Sorry Sean! I feel like I've somewhat betrayed your trust. Some more you're like my first ever friend. What a terrible and hopeless friend I turned out to be. Hope to meet up when I'm back, that is if you're still in Malaysia.

To my other friends, be you from college or school or church, I really hope that you have a blessed life and the next time I see you on the road or in the mall, I can hear how you have experienced goodness and joy in your life, be it in your careers, family life, studies, and relationships.

With that I say: See ya punks in 10 months time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have a safe journey back and take care!!