Monday, February 14, 2011

Gold Coast 2010.2 Currumbin + Other randoms?

The rest of the pics, are like just rojak pics that I took. Like I said, I didn't take pics diligently.

Continuing on, Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary
In case you've never seen one ever in your whole entire life, this is a koala on a tree. By the way, has anyone told you that you need to get out more often?

Anyway, we got to sit on a train.
Sam, you look like you put on a little weight last year. It's cool. I put on ton too.

Jee's mad at me. I think I have like an ability to piss people off. He probably knew I was gonna make that comment about Sam being fat.

An emu. It's so pretty.

So pretty, Jee wants to smack that. lol.

This emu attacked us. Probably heard about how Jee tried to assault one of them. It was so funny. We were just sitting down, and this emu just decided to come so close, and we had to jump out of our seats and flee. lol.

"oooooooo... look at that!" lol inside joke.

The park had these feeding sessions, where all these birds would come in swarms and feed.

Here's a picture of a Kookaburra.

And here's a picture of Kangaroos. Now you know at least a couple of the Aussie icons.

During our stay, we also got to have some fish and chips. Fish is expensive in Canberra, and it's not everyday, not everymonth, not ever do we eat fish.
Almost done. I actually didn't like my fish.

We also went to Harbour Town, which is this huge outlet mall thing.
We got Sam to try on slim/skinny jeans. I think they could have been tighter. Much tighter.

Fire chicken. It was at this Korean Restaurant which name is forgotten, at this suburb which its name is also forgetten. It was a long time ago. I remember it being EXTREMELY spicy though...

Jee and Becca, Jee's friend who was cool enough to bring us around and hang out.

After that, we went to Max Brenner. You might be thinking: "Max Brenner? What's the big deal?" You see, us country bumpkins from Canberra don't get to eat at fancy stores like Max Brenner.

Okay that's it folks.

Oh wait. This is for you moley boy.

The set can be found here.
If you haven't read the last post, click here.

1 comment:

jonc said...

hahahaha. bitch.