Friday, November 14, 2008

Going for the layup.

1.dismissed as inadequate, inappropriate, or not to one's taste
2.denied entry cause the subject is... just plain ewwww?
application: Whoah, he's going for that chick who's totally out of his league? She's not drunk enough to go for him. OHHHHH! REJECTED. What a loser, on the floor covered with her drink. He shouldn't have worn those khakis.... Khakis are not cool...

I must say, rejection really sucks.

When rejected, one has to think, what now? What does this mean in terms of the future. Where do we go from here? And if it wasn't bad enough being rejected, how about not really knowing the reason behind the rejection? That would make the situation a whole lot worse, not knowing how to prevent the next rejection.

He's going for the layup! But wait, Shaq's just under the basket! He's not gonna make it! REJECTED!


JS said...

How bout learning to ACCEPT first

magmachilli said...

Accept what? That I am not good enough and therefore was rejected. I have done that a long time ago. LOL