Friday, September 19, 2008

Super Dangerous!

Squash is a very dangerous game. Dangerous for me at least. I bang my head against the wall, I crash to the hard sides at high speeds, I slip and fall, but that's normal right? Well what you're about to see, I don't think it's effin normal. Oh and what you're about to see is my foot. My stinky sole to be exact, just after getting back from squash just an hour ago. Hope you can stomach it.

Walauwey, the skin like tore off. And it just happened as I stopped, or was it as I made a stop. At first I thought my shoe sole like broke or something and was pinching on my foot, but when it kept hurting, I knew something was wrong. How the hell something like this can happen, God knows dude, God knows...

All better! Thank God for Savlon and band aids. Hope it helps. And Doctor, DOCTOR! I like just aligned my skin back, used Savlon as glue ( well not really, but it kinda acted like it) and just used the band aid to hold it there. OK? Or should I cut off the skin?

Oh and NO FRIDAY TUNES this week. Can't think of anything to post. And besides, no one watches it.


Yong-Sama said...

I suggest you cut the skin off ^^ There's a risk more skin may come off

Just judging from my own past experiences XD (ie Taekwondo)

Anonymous said...

It happens quite often :D

kaishin said...

yea probably shud cut it off
my primary skul teacher aligned mine (piece of skin on my hand) badly for me and there's a small lump there now LOL

and hmm..

jo's rock

Anonymous said...


magmachilli said...

hmmm i cut the skin off already...

Wan Yong,seeing as it has happened to you, how long do you reckon before i can run properly?

Yeah Jo's rock... And haha similiar post. What a coincidence. I didn't know...

And this is the first time this has happened to me... Often ar? I was wearing socks and shoes, not barefoot...

Yong-Sama said...

lol.. it depends i think...few days maybe? usually the sore will just harden... but I don't get how it happened even when you were wearing socks and shoes! o.O you sure there's nothing wrong with your socks? lol

tInKy said...

it happens a lot here even when u're wearing shoes n socks, Yong. Perhaps sth to do w the dryness of the air?? Im not sure... 'cause I used to get skin peeling off my feet a lot whilst in IH.. then again maybe the carpet like dirty or sth.. I dunno :P

anyhooz~ just be careful, Jo :D:D u will be alright :D:D

magmachilli said...

Yeah I'm all right now. Went to play squash today actually. LOL

All better now! Now who wants to thrash me at squash when I get back from Australia?