Friday, June 29, 2007

Here's your survey Macquarie...

Macquarie sent me a letter asking why I didn't accept their offer. Man do they handle rejection well... Sorry you weren't what we're looking for. Why? Because you're offering me a place in a second class university when I can go to the highest ranked university in Australia at a discounted price? Only a fool would take up our offer mate...

Well FINE. I guess Macquarie is pretty decent. And it's in Sydney. Everybody would like to study in Sydney right? I don't think Australian National University can beat that. But being ranked 16th by the Times Higher Education Supplement has got to count for something right?

Well whatever... In the end I accepted ANU's offer and I think I made a good decision. 30% discount baby... Okay, it's not a discount. It's just the HECS fee... Lalala~

With magic pens and that dumb Macquarie letter lying around, I thought I don't waste paper. After all, why doodle on a nice clean white sheet of A4 when you can doodle on a unwanted envelope. Besides, it would have ended up in the yellow bin anyway... And I like doodling... >.<


Did i ever mention that I like to mess around with Photoshop too? Too bad the only thing I can really do is mess around with it. Fancy doing some nice vector work though... If only I could.

Moral of this story? Don't waste paper. And don't do drugs and alcohol and cigarettes children. They'll ruin your life. And don't go to Macquarie University.

Now how am I gonna return them their survey form...?
PS: Clearly I've got nothing to blog about. After all, I didn't go to Ipoh and face Balanar...


Yong-Sama said...

waaa... did i tell u that i LOVE ur doodles??

magmachilli said...

Hehe Thanks. Did I tell you I like eggs?