Monday, March 20, 2006

Tamatlah Cuti Sekolah Penggal Pertama 2006

Why do holidays have to come to an end? Like a fairytale. Time to go back to the mundane lifestyle of enriching thy mind and soul with knowledge beyond comprehension to maketh thyself a human being of worth and honour. Who wants to be sampah masyarakat? Now bring on the homework you sadistic teachers which delight in our misery. My teacher said that she enjoys hearing the moans and groans of students when she gives homework. What is this world coming too? God save us from this Modern Babylon! Hear our cries.....

Okay maybe it's not so bad but now got to study extra, extra, EXTRA hard if I want to continue my education. Screwed up my SPM. Can't screw S.A.M. now!

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